Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Edmond était un âne [corto] (2012)

Original title: edmond était un âne
Production: Canada, France|14 min| short
Animation, Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie Edmond était un âne [corto]
when his co-workers tease edmond by crowning him with a pair of donkey ears, he suddenly discovers his true nature. and though he comes to enjoy his new identity, an ever-widening chasm opens up between himself and others.

Festivals and awards


Franck Dionregista

Production and Screenplay

Kathleen Feesceneggiatore
Franck Dionproduttore
Franck Dionsceneggiatore
Franck Dionscrittore
Julie Royproduttore
René Chénierproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

edmond's first colleague
edmond's wife
edmond's boss
edmond's second colleague

Technical staff

Franck Diondirettore della fotografia
Franck Dionmontatore
Franck Dionscenografo
Franck Dionarredatore
Pierre Cailletmusiche

Voices and Dubbing