Edmond était un âne [corto] (2012)
Original title: edmond était un âne
Production: Canada, France|14 min| short
Animation, Dramatic, Comedy
![poster Poster of movie Edmond était un âne [corto]](/images/poster/407/edmond-etait-un-ane_1.jpg)
when his co-workers tease edmond by crowning him with a pair of donkey ears, he suddenly discovers his true nature. and though he comes to enjoy his new identity, an ever-widening chasm opens up between himself and others.
Festivals and awards
César 2013 - nomination Meilleur film d'animation
Franck Dion: regista
Production and Screenplay
Kathleen Fee: sceneggiatore
Franck Dion: produttore
Franck Dion: sceneggiatore
Franck Dion: scrittore
Julie Roy: produttore
René Chénier: produttore esecutivo
Characters and Interpreters
edmond's first colleague
edmond's wife
edmond's boss
edmond's second colleague
Technical staff
Franck Dion: direttore della fotografia
Franck Dion: montatore
Franck Dion: scenografo
Franck Dion: arredatore
Pierre Caillet: musiche