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enduring love (2004)

Original title: enduring love
Production: UK|100 min
Thriller, Dramatic
Poster of movie enduring love
a balloon on which an old man and a child travel is overwhelmed by a sudden gust of wind and thrown on a green meadow between oxford and london. some rescuers rush from the four corners of the lawn. one of them will lose his life. the misfortune of an absurd and useless death will upset all those present. in particular, joe will be persecuted by one of the rescuers, jed parry, a young victim of mystical crises. jed will transform this encounter into an impossible passion that will bring its protagonists to the extreme.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Roger MichellRoger Michellregista

Production and Screenplay

Kevin Loaderproduttore
Joe Penhallsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Bill NighyBill Nighy(età:55)
Samantha MortonSamantha Morton(età:27)
Daniel CraigDaniel Craig(età:36)
Rhys IfansRhys Ifans(età:37)
Susan LynchSusan Lynch(età:33)
Helen McCroryHelen McCrory(età:36)
(signora Logan)
Rosie Michell
(Katie Logan)
Amanda RootAmanda Root(età:41)
Bill Weston(età:63)
Roger Frost(età:56)
Ben WhishawBen Whishaw(età:24)

Technical staff

Nicolas Gastermontatore
Mary SelwayMary Selwaycasting
John Paul Kellyscenografo
Fiona Weircasting
Jeremy Samsmusiche
Haris ZambarloukosHaris Zambarloukosdirettore della fotografia
Sara Wanscenografo
Natalie Wardcostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2004)