Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Enos Strate to the Top (1980)

Original title: enos strate to the top
Production: USA|50 min| tv series
Comedy, Action


Jack Whitmanregista

Interpreters and Characters

the balladeer
James BestJames Best(età:54)
Denver PyleDenver Pyle(età:60)
Ben JonesBen Jones(età:39)
Nedra VolzNedra Volz(età:72)
Tom WopatTom Wopat(età:29)
Sonny ShroyerSonny Shroyer(età:45)
Sorrell BookeSorrell Booke(età:50)
Rick HurstRick Hurst(età:34)
Jerry Chiat(età:49)

Technical staff

Melissa Skoffcasting

Voices and Dubbing