Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Hunting and Gathering (2007)

Original title: ensemble, c'est tout
Production: France, USA|97 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Hunting and Gathering
when camille (audrey tautou) falls ill, she is forced to live with philibert and franck (guillaume canet). a moving trio story.

Festivals and awards


Claude BerriClaude Berriregista

Production and Screenplay

Claude BerriClaude Berriproduttore
Claude BerriClaude Berrisceneggiatore
Claude BerriClaude Berridialoghi
Pierre Grunsteinproduttore esecutivo
Nathalie Rheimsproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Audrey TautouAudrey Tautou(età:31)
(camille fauque)
Guillaume CanetGuillaume Canet(età:34)
ManLaurent Stocker(età:34)
(philibert marquet de la tubelière)
Francoise Bertin(età:82)
Firmine Richard(età:60)
Roger DumasRoger Dumas(età:75)
Pierre Gerald(età:101)
Jacques Ciron(età:79)

Technical staff

Thanh At Hoangscenografo
Sylvie Gautreletcostumista
Francois Gedigiermontatore
Agnes Godarddirettore della fotografia
Laurent Ottscenografo
Philippe Turlurearredatore
Jane Milonparrucchiere
Nathalie Kovalskitruccatore
Anne Moralistruccatore
Laurence Bouletparrucchiere
Michel Ericscenografo