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entanglement (2017)

Original title: entanglement
Production: Canada|85 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie entanglement
while recovering from a suicide attempt, ben layton accidentally falls in love with a girl who was very nearly, almost his sister - and then things start to get weird.


Jason Jamesregista

Production and Screenplay

Tim Gambleproduttore esecutivo
Kirsten Smithproduttore esecutivo
Jason Jamesproduttore
Jason Filiatraultsceneggiatore
Jason Filiatraultscrittore
Amber Ripleyproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Marilyn NorryMarilyn Norry(età:60)
Diana BangDiana Bang(età:36)
Jess WeixlerJess Weixler(età:36)

Technical staff

Jamie Alainmontatore
James Listondirettore della fotografia
Kara Eidecasting
Kris Wozcasting
Davina Fayetruccatore
April Beertruccatore
Gareth c. Scalesmontatore
Christopher Watsonmontatore
Sekyiwa Wi-afedzicostumista
Kara Hornlandscenografo
Kara Hornlandarredatore
Scott Moultonscenografo

Music tracks of the soundtrack