Database of cinema, music, history and literature

episode (1935)

Original title: episode
105 min| black and white|

Festivals and awards


Walter ReischWalter Reischregista

Production and Screenplay

Walter ReischWalter Reischproduttore
Walter ReischWalter Reischsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

paula wessely
karl ludwig diehl
otto treßler
erika von wagner
georg tressler
wolf-dieter tressler
friedl czepa
walter janssen
ferdinand mayerhofer
rosa albach-retty
Paula WesselyPaula Wessely(età:28)
Friedl Czepa(età:37)

Technical staff

Karel StepanekKarel Stepanekscenografo
Franz Meschkanscenografo
Harry Stradling sr.Harry Stradling sr.direttore della fotografia
Willy Zeynmontatore
Oskar Strnadscenografo