Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Equus (1977)

Original title: equus
Production: UK, USA|137 min
Dramatic, Psychological, Mystery
Poster of movie Equus
a psychiatrist attempts to uncover a troubled stable boy's disturbing obsession with horses.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject

dall'opera teatrale: Equus (1973, Peter Shaffer)


Sidney LumetSidney Lumetregista

Production and Screenplay

Peter Shaffersceneggiatore
Elliott Kastnerproduttore
Lester Perskyproduttore
Denis Holtproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Harry AndrewsHarry Andrews(età:66)
(harry dalton)
Peter FirthPeter Firth(età:24)
(alan strang)
Joan PlowrightJoan Plowright(età:48)
(dora strang)
Colin Blakely(età:47)
(frank strang)
Eileen AtkinsEileen Atkins(età:43)
(hester saloman)
Jenny AgutterJenny Agutter(età:25)
(jill mason)
Richard BurtonRichard Burton(età:52)
(martyn dysart)
Kate ReidKate Reid(età:47)
Sidney LumetSidney Lumet(età:53)
Ken James(età:43)
David Gardner(età:49)

Technical staff

Oswald MorrisOswald Morrisdirettore della fotografia
Tony WaltonTony Waltoncostumista
Tony WaltonTony Waltonscenografo
Clare Walkercasting
Simon Hollandscenografo
Ron Berkeleytruccatore
John Victor-smithmontatore
Ken Brooketruccatore
James Keelerparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1977)