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escape plan (2013)

Original title: escape plan
Production: USA|105 min
Thriller, Action
Poster of movie escape plan
This movie is episode 1 of the series escape plan composed by:

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Jason Kellersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

ray breslin
emil rottmayer
willard hobbes
lester clark
abigail ross
Amy RyanAmy Ryan(età:44)
jessica miller
Vinnie JonesVinnie Jones(età:48)
dott. kyrie
Sam NeillSam Neill(età:66)
50 Cent50 Cent(età:38)
Matt GeraldMatt Gerald(età:43)
Faran TahirFaran Tahir(età:50)
Graham BeckelGraham Beckel(età:64)

Technical staff

Michael Lantierieffetti speciali
Barry Chusidscenografo
Lizz Wolfcostumista
Brendan Galvindirettore della fotografia
Alex HeffesAlex Heffesmusiche
Scott H. eddotruccatore
Elliot Greenbergmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2013)