Database of cinema, music, history and literature

eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier (2010)

Original title: eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier
Production: Germany|94 min
Poster of movie eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier
two weeks before his release, a teenage prisoner learns that his mother has returned home. meanwhile, he finds himself in love with a student working in the penitentiary as an intern.

Festivals and awards


Florin Serbanregista

Production and Screenplay

Florin Serbanscrittore
Tomas Eskilssonproduttore
Fredrik Zanderproduttore
Cãtãlin MitulescuCãtãlin Mitulescuproduttore
Daniel Mitulescuproduttore
Marcian Lazarproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Clara Voda(età:40)
Ada CondeescuAda Condeescu(età:22)

Technical staff

Marius PanduruMarius Pandurudirettore della fotografia
Augustina Stanciucostumista
Catalin Cristutiumontatore
Emil Sloteacasting
Ana Ioneciscenografo
Bianca Boeroiutruccatore