Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Eugenio, I Love You (2002)

Original title: ti voglio bene eugenio
Production: Italy|95 min
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Eugenio, I Love You
eugenio has down syndrome , works as a gardener at a country house , despite his illness is full of illusion and try to help those in need , as patrizia , a young woman who has had a car accident.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

ManStefano Pomiliasceneggiatore
Luciano TovoliLuciano Tovoliproduttore
Giovanni Schettiniproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

prof. bonelli
Arnoldo FoàArnoldo Foà(età:86)
laura / elena adolescente
cristina adolescente

Technical staff

Umberto SmailaUmberto Smailamusiche
Luciano TovoliLuciano Tovolidirettore della fotografia
Gino Zampriolitruccatore
Enrica Barbanocostumista
Silvio AmatoSilvio Amatomusiche
Giuseppe Grassoscenografo
Roberta D'alessiotruccatore
Sebatiana Emmaparrucchiere
Luca Zampiroliparrucchiere