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evil alien conquerors (2003)

Original title: evil alien conquerors
Production: UK, USA
Science fiction, Comedy, Crazy
Poster of movie evil alien conquerors
inept beings from the planet kabijj land on earth and attempt to behead all of its beings and take over the planet.


Chris Mathesonregista

Production and Screenplay

Erica Hugginsproduttore
Ryan Rowescrittore
Chris Mathesonsceneggiatore
Chris Mathesonscrittore
Joel Hatchproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Phil LamarrPhil Lamarr(età:36)
Beth GrantBeth Grant(età:54)
Elden HensonElden Henson(età:26)
Tori SpellingTori Spelling(età:30)
Chris ParnellChris Parnell(età:36)
Joel MccraryJoel Mccrary(età:36)
Tyler LabineTyler Labine(età:25)
Missy YagerMissy Yager(età:35)

Technical staff

Devorah Herbertscenografo
Gina Homantruccatore
Mike Murphymontatore
Davide Russomusiche
Laine Trzinskiparrucchiere
Stephanie Scotttruccatore
Elizabeth Marxcasting
Morgan Blackledgescenografo