Database of cinema, music, history and literature

ex-flame (1930)

Original title: ex-flame
Production: USA|74 min| |


Victor Halperinregista

Production and Screenplay

Victor Halperinsceneggiatore
George Draneysceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Marian NixonMarian Nixon(età:26)
(lady catherine)
Norman KerryNorman Kerry(età:36)
(beaumont winthrop)
'Snub' Pollard'Snub' Pollard(età:41)
Roland Drew(età:30)
José Bohr
Joan StandingJoan Standing(età:27)
Cornelius Keefe(età:30)
May Beatty(età:50)
(lady harriett)
Lorimer Johnston(età:72)
(colonnello lacey)
Joseph North(età:57)
Louis ArmstrongLouis Armstrong(età:29)
(Louis Armstrong)
neil hamilton
sir carlisle austin
barbara lacey
Neil HamiltonNeil Hamilton(età:31)

Technical staff

Ernest MillerErnest Millerdirettore della fotografia
W. Donn Hayesmontatore
Harry Collinscostumista