Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Exils (2004)

Original title: exils
Production: France, Japan|104 min
Dramatic, Adventure
Poster of movie Exils
two french lovers, zano and naima, decided to travel to the land of their parents: algeria. their road trip gradually becomes a spiritual quest.

Festivals and awards


Tony GatlifTony Gatlifregista

Production and Screenplay

Tony GatlifTony Gatlifproduttore
Tony GatlifTony Gatlifsceneggiatore
Matilde Rubioproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Lubna AzabalLubna Azabal(età:31)
Romain DurisRomain Duris(età:30)

Technical staff

Tony GatlifTony Gatlifmusiche
Monique Dartonnemontatore
Brigitte Brassartscenografo
Céline Bozondirettore della fotografia
WomanLisa Schonkertruccatore
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