Database of cinema, music, history and literature

exorcist: the beginning (2004)

Original title: exorcist: the beginning
Production: USA|114 min
Horror, Thriller
Poster of movie exorcist: the beginning
in the years following the second world war, father lankester merrin is haunted by memories of the unspeakable violence committed against his innocent parishioners. in a desperate attempt to escape the horrors he witnessed in holland, his homeland, merrin leaves the country. while passing through cairo he is approached by a collector of antiquities who offers him to participate in an archaeological excavation in turkana, a remote region of kenya. here a byzantine christian church was unearthed in excellent condition, as if it had been buried the same day as the building. the collector wants merrin to find an ancient relic hidden inside the church before it is discovered by the british. but under the church something much more ancient is sleeping, waiting to be awakened.
This movie is episode 4 of the series esorcista, l' composed by:


Paul SchraderPaul Schraderregista
Renny HarlinRenny Harlinregista

Production and Screenplay

William Peter BlattyWilliam Peter Blattysceneggiatore
James G.robinsonproduttore
Alexi Hawleysceneggiatore
Will Raeeproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

padre lankester merrin
padre Francis
James D'arcyJames D'arcy(età:29)
magg. granville
Julian WadhamJulian Wadham(età:46)
serg. major
Ralph BrownRalph Brown(età:47)
Ben CrossBen Cross(età:57)
david bradley
David BradleyDavid Bradley(età:62)
padre Gionetti
tenente Kessel

Technical staff

Trevor RabinTrevor Rabinmusiche
Mark Goldblattmontatore
Vittorio StoraroVittorio Storarodirettore della fotografia
Fabrizio Sforzatruccatore
Carlo Gervasiscenografo
Eugenio Ulissiscenografo
Todd E.millermontatore
Pam Dixoncasting
Marco Scotticostumista
Luke Reichlecostumista
Marco Trentiniscenografo
Todd E. millermontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2004)