Database of cinema, music, history and literature

False Paradise (1948)

Original title: false paradise
59 min| black and white
Action, Western, Dramatic
Poster of movie False Paradise
This movie is episode 65 of the series Hopalong Cassidy composed by:


Production and Screenplay

William Boyd (attore)William Boyd (attore)produttore esecutivo
Doris Schroederdialoghi
Lewis J. Rachmilproduttore
Harrison Jacobssceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Hopalong Cassidy
California Carlson
Lucky Jenkins
Rand BrooksRand Brooks(età:30)
Anne Larson
Elaine Riley(età:31)
Don HaggertyDon Haggerty(età:34)
Cliff ClarkCliff Clark(età:59)
Zon Murray(età:38)
Rudy BowmanRudy Bowman(età:58)
Joel Friedkin(età:63)

Technical staff

Raoul Kraushaarmusiche
George Sawleyarredatore
Mack Stenglerdirettore della fotografia
Jerome Pycha jr.scenografo
Earl Mosercostumista