Database of cinema, music, history and literature

fantastic four: rise of the silver surfer (2007)

Original title: fantastic four: rise of the silver surfer
Production: USA|92 min
Science fiction, Action, Fantasy
Poster of movie fantastic four: rise of the silver surfer
This movie is episode 2 of the series fantastic four composed by:

Festivals and awards


Tim StoryTim Storyregista

Production and Screenplay

Chris ColumbusChris Columbusproduttore
Mark Frostsceneggiatore
Michael FranceMichael Francesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

reed richards/mister fantastic
Ioan GruffuddIoan Gruffudd(età:34)
susan "sue" storm/donna invisibile
Jessica AlbaJessica Alba(età:26)
ben grimm/la cosa
johnny storm/la torcia umana
Chris EvansChris Evans(età:26)
norrin radd/silver surfer
Doug JonesDoug Jones(età:47)
victor von doom/dottor destino
Alicia Masters
generale hager
frankie raye
Beau GarrettBeau Garrett(età:25)
julie angel
magg. cruz
Brian PosehnBrian Posehn(età:41)
Stan Lee
Stan LeeStan Lee(età:85)
Kenneth WelshKenneth Welsh(età:65)
Zach GrenierZach Grenier(età:53)

Technical staff

John OttmanJohn Ottmanmusiche
William Hoymontatore
ManMichael Mccuskermontatore
Kirk M. Petruccelliscenografo
Mary E. Vogtcostumista
Peter S. elliotmontatore
Thomas Floutztruccatore
Harlow Macfarlanetruccatore
Holland Millertruccatore
Larry Blanforddirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2007)

Version Originale(2007)