Database of cinema, music, history and literature

fat man and little boy (1989)

Original title: fat man and little boy-shadow makers
Production: USA|127 min|
Dramatic, War, Storico


Roland JofféRoland Jofféregista

Production and Screenplay

Bruce RobinsonBruce Robinsonsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Paul NewmanPaul Newman(età:64)
(generale Groves)
Paul NewmanPaul Newman(età:64)
(leslie r. groves)
John CusackJohn Cusack(età:23)
(michael merriman)
Laura DernLaura Dern(età:22)
(kathleen robinson)
Bonnie BedeliaBonnie Bedelia(età:43)
(kitty oppenheimer)
John C. McGinleyJohn C. McGinley(età:30)
(capitano richard schoenfield)
Natasha RichardsonNatasha Richardson(età:26)
(jean tatlock)
generale leslie j. groves
Ed LauterEd Lauter(età:51)
Clark GreggClark Gregg(età:27)

Technical staff

Ennio MorriconeEnnio Morriconemusiche
Vilmos ZsigmondVilmos Zsigmonddirettore della fotografia
Francoise BonnotFrancoise Bonnotmontatore
Monty Westmoretruccatore
Gregg Fonsecascenografo
Luis Horcasitastruccatore
Nick Edecostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1989)

Giuseppe RinaldiGiuseppe Rinaldi Voice of generale leslie j. groves