Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Felicità (2020)

Original title: felicita
81 min
Poster of movie Felicità
for tim and chloe, happiness is day-to-day and unattached. but tomorrow summer ends. their daughter, tommy, is going back to school and this year, they promise, she won't miss that big date.

Festivals and awards


Bruno Merleregista

Production and Screenplay

Bruno Merlesceneggiatore
Bruno Nahonproduttore
Caroline Natafproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Pio MarmaïPio Marmaï(età:36)
Adama NianeAdama Niane(età:54)

Technical staff

Romain Carcanadedirettore della fotografia
Guillaume Laurasmontatore
Benjamin Favreulmontatore
Frédéric Tabonescenografo
Karine Charpentiercostumista
Géraldine Belbeochtruccatore
Fanny Fallourdtruccatore