Database of cinema, music, history and literature

fighting (2009)

Original title: fighting
Production: USA|105 min
Action, Sports, Martial arts
Poster of movie fighting


Dito MontielDito Montielregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert Municsceneggiatore
Dito MontielDito Montielsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Channing TatumChanning Tatum(età:29)
(shawn macarthur)
Terrence HowardTerrence Howard(età:40)
(harvey boarden)
Zulay Henao(età:30)
(zulay valez)
Flaco Navaja
(ray ray)
Brian J. WhiteBrian J. White(età:34)
(evan hailey)
Roger Guenveur SmithRoger Guenveur Smith(età:54)
dragon lee
zulay velez
Luis GuzmanLuis Guzman(età:53)
Cung LeCung Le(età:37)

Technical staff

Jonathan Eliasmusiche
Stefan CzapskyStefan Czapskydirettore della fotografia
Saar Kleinmontatore
Thérèse DeprezThérèse Deprezscenografo
Jake Pushinskymontatore
David Wittmanmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2009)

Francesca ManiconeFrancesca Manicone Voice of zulay velez