Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Filmmakers in Action (2005)

Original title: cineastas en acción
102 min| black and white
Poster of movie Filmmakers in Action
following the documentary "filmmakers vs. tycoons", this second part focus on the measures to protect authors' copyright, and the legal difference in the figure of the author in the united states or in france.

Festivals and awards


Carlos Benparregista

Production and Screenplay

Carlos Benparsceneggiatore
Ferran Alberichsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Sam PeckinpahSam Peckinpah(età:80)
Woody AllenWoody Allen(età:70)
Jerry LewisJerry Lewis(età:79)
Arthur PennArthur Penn(età:83)
George Sidney(età:89)
Ernst LubitschErnst Lubitsch(età:113)
Howard HawksHoward Hawks(età:109)
John FordJohn Ford(età:111)
John BoormanJohn Boorman(età:72)
Jules DassinJules Dassin(età:94)
Fritz LangFritz Lang(età:115)
Samuel FullerSamuel Fuller(età:93)
Mary PickfordMary Pickford(età:113)
Joseph HenaberyJoseph Henabery(età:117)
Luis BunuelLuis Bunuel(età:105)
Eva TruffautEva Truffaut(età:44)
Salvador DalíSalvador Dalí(età:101)

Technical staff

Tomàs Pladevalldirettore della fotografia
Xavier Orómusiche
Pep Solórzanomusiche
Xavier Camídirettore della fotografia
Manu De la Reinamontatore