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final verdict [filmTV] (1991)

Original title: final verdict
Production: USA|109 min| tv movie
Dramatic, Action, Thriller


Jack FiskJack Fiskregista

Production and Screenplay

Lawrence RomanLawrence Romansceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Amy WrightAmy Wright(età:41)
Glenn FordGlenn Ford(età:75)
Dana HillDana Hill(età:27)
Barton Heyman(età:54)
Tony FrankTony Frank(età:48)
Lance KerwinLance Kerwin(età:31)
Jerry Haynes(età:64)
Ashley CrowAshley Crow(età:31)
Matthew Posey(età:33)

Technical staff

David Mchughmusiche
Paul Elliottdirettore della fotografia