Database of cinema, music, history and literature

finding nemo (2003)

Original title: finding nemo
Production: USA|100 min
Comedy, Animation, Adventure
Poster of movie finding nemo
the coral reef is a place full of dangers and for marlin, a widowed father determined to protect his only son nemo, life is full of anxieties. when the time comes to get away from his anemone home to start school, nemo ventures alone into a dangerous part of the ocean and is captured by a diver. with the help of dory, a fish with a short memory, marlin will travel the ocean in search of his son. meanwhile, in a sydney nemo dentist's aquarium he plans to escape with a group of prisoners like him.
This movie is episode 1 of the series finding nemo composed by:
This movie is episode 5 of the series Pixar Animation composed by:

Festivals and awards


Andrew StantonAndrew Stantonregista
Lee Unkrichregista

Production and Screenplay

John LasseterJohn Lasseterproduttore
Andrew StantonAndrew Stantonsceneggiatore
David Reynoldssceneggiatore
Graham Waltersproduttore
Bob Petersonsceneggiatore
Joe RanftJoe Ranftsceneggiatore
Bob Peterson (regista)sceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

banco di pesci
capo dei moonfish
Deb e Flo
bob peterson
Maestro Ray
bill hunter
pesce portavoce
Vicki LewisVicki Lewis(età:43)

Technical staff

Thomas NewmanThomas Newmanmusiche
Sharon Calahandirettore della fotografia
Jeremy Laskydirettore della fotografia
David Ian Saltermontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2003)

Giò Giò RapattoniGiò Giò Rapattoni Voice of Deb e Flo
Massimo CorvoMassimo Corvo Voice of Bombo
Benedetta Manfredi Voice of Perla
Silvia PepitoniSilvia Pepitoni Voice of diva
Dario PenneDario Penne Voice of dentista
Alessandro RossiAlessandro Rossi Voice of Bruto
Roberta PelliniRoberta Pellini Voice of Coral
Jacques PeyracJacques Peyrac Voice of Jacques
Danilo De GirolamoDanilo De Girolamo Voice of gluglù
Mattia Nissolino Voice of Varenne
Luca ZingarettiLuca Zingaretti Voice of Marlin
Erica NecciErica Necci Voice of Darla
Pasquale AnselmoPasquale Anselmo Voice of Randa
Carla SignorisCarla Signoris Voice of Dory
Furio PergolaniFurio Pergolani Voice of Guizzo
Pietro UbaldiPietro Ubaldi Voice of Amilcare
Gerolamo AlchieriGerolamo Alchieri Voice of bloblò
Renato CecchettoRenato Cecchetto Voice of capo dei moonfish
Angelo NicotraAngelo Nicotra Voice of Branchia
Manuel MeliManuel Meli Voice of Pulce
Luca Dal FabbroLuca Dal Fabbro Voice of Fiocco
Alex PolidoriAlex Polidori Voice of Nemo
Marco MeteMarco Mete Voice of Maestro Ray
Stefano MasciarelliStefano Masciarelli Voice of Scorza

Version Originale(2003)

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres Voice of Dory
Eric BanaEric Bana Voice of Randa
Nicholas Bird Voice of Guizzo
Geoffrey RushGeoffrey Rush Voice of Amilcare
Stephen RootStephen Root Voice of bloblò
John RatzenbergerJohn Ratzenberger Voice of banco di pesci
Willem DafoeWillem Dafoe Voice of Branchia
Jordan Ranft Voice of Pulce
Alexander GouldAlexander Gould Voice of Nemo
Bruce SpenceBruce Spence Voice of Fiocco
Bob Peterson (regista) Voice of Maestro Ray
Andrew StantonAndrew Stanton Voice of Scorza
Vicki LewisVicki Lewis Voice of Deb e Flo
Brad GarrettBrad Garrett Voice of Bombo
Erica BeckErica Beck Voice of Perla
Allison JanneyAllison Janney Voice of diva
Bill Hunter (attore) Voice of dentista
Barry HumphriesBarry Humphries Voice of Bruto
Elizabeth PerkinsElizabeth Perkins Voice of Coral
Joe RanftJoe Ranft Voice of Jacques
Austin PendletonAustin Pendleton Voice of gluglù
Erik Per SullivanErik Per Sullivan Voice of Varenne
Albert BrooksAlbert Brooks Voice of Marlin
Lulu Ebeling Voice of Darla