Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Finding Vivian Maier (2013)

Original title: finding vivian maier
Production: USA|83 min| black and white and colors
Documentary, Historical, Crime
Poster of movie Finding Vivian Maier
a documentary on the late vivian maier, a nanny whose previously unknown cache of 100,000 photographs earned her a posthumous reputation as one of the most accomplished street photographers.

Festivals and awards


John Maloofregista
Charlie Siskelregista

Production and Screenplay

Jeff GarlinJeff Garlinproduttore esecutivo
John Maloofproduttore
John Maloofsceneggiatore
John Maloofscrittore
Charlie Siskelproduttore
Charlie Siskelsceneggiatore
Charlie Siskelscrittore
Mary Prendergastproduttore
Chris Mckinleyproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Tim RothTim Roth(età:52)
Phil DonahuePhil Donahue(età:78)

Technical staff

J. Ralphmusiche
John Maloofdirettore della fotografia
Aaron Wickendenmontatore