Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Flanders (2006)

Original title: flandres
Production: France|91 min
Dramatic, War, Romantic
Poster of movie Flanders
bruno dumont follows up the controversial twentynine palms with this tale of a group of young soldiers who go off to war and experience some life-changing events. flandres won the grand prix prize at the 2006 cannes film festival.

Festivals and awards


Bruno DumontBruno Dumontregista

Production and Screenplay

Bruno DumontBruno Dumontsceneggiatore
Rachid BoucharebRachid Boucharebproduttore
Jean Brehatproduttore
Muriel Merlinproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

David Dewaele(età:30)

Technical staff

Yves Capedirettore della fotografia
Guy Lecornemontatore
Cédric Grenapincostumista
Nathalie Rigauttruccatore
Alexandra Charlescostumista
Claude Debonnetcasting