Database of cinema, music, history and literature

flight (2012)

Original title: flight
Production: USA|138 min
Poster of movie flight

Festivals and awards


Robert ZemeckisRobert Zemeckisregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert ZemeckisRobert Zemeckisproduttore
John GatinsJohn Gatinssceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Denzel WashingtonDenzel Washington(età:58)
(whip whitaker)
Kelly ReillyKelly Reilly(età:35)
(nicole maggen)
Don CheadleDon Cheadle(età:48)
(hugh lang)
John GoodmanJohn Goodman(età:60)
(harling mays)
Bruce GreenwoodBruce Greenwood(età:56)
(Charlie Anderson)
Tamara TunieTamara Tunie(età:53)
(margaret thomason)
Melissa LeoMelissa Leo(età:52)
(ellen block)
Nadine VelazquezNadine Velazquez(età:34)
(katerina marquez)
Brian GeraghtyBrian Geraghty(età:37)
(ken evans)
Dylan KussmanDylan Kussman(età:41)
Brian Kelly(età:80)
Adam Tomei(età:45)
Rhoda GriffisRhoda Griffis(età:47)

Technical staff

Alan SilvestriAlan Silvestrimusiche
Don Burgessdirettore della fotografia
Nelson Coatesscenografo
Michael Lantierieffetti speciali
Louise Frogleycostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2012)

Music tracks of the soundtrack