Database of cinema, music, history and literature

footloose (1984)

Original title: footloose
Production: USA|107 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Musical
Poster of movie footloose
a city teenager moves to a small town where rock music and dancing have been banned, and his rebellious spirit shakes up the populace.
The same story is the basis of the movies:

Festivals and awards


Herbert Rossregista

Production and Screenplay

Daniel Melnickproduttore esecutivo
Dean Pitchfordsceneggiatore
Dean Pitchfordscrittore
Dana Craigproduttore
Lewis J. Rachmilproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

ren mccormack
Kevin BaconKevin Bacon(età:26)
ariel moore
Lori SingerLori Singer(età:27)
reverendo shaw moore
John LithgowJohn Lithgow(età:39)
vi moore
Dianne WiestDianne Wiest(età:36)
willard hewitt
John Laughlin(età:28)
Jim YoungsJim Youngs(età:28)
Brian Wimmer(età:25)
Alan Haufrect(età:43)
Oscar Rowland(età:58)
Lynne Marta(età:21)

Technical staff

Paul HirschPaul Hirschmontatore
Ric Waitedirettore della fotografia
Gloria Greshamcostumista
Ron Hobbsscenografo
ManMike Fentoncasting
Jane Feinbergcasting
Marci Liroffcasting
Daniel C. striepeketruccatore
Barbara Lampsonparrucchiere
Mary Swansonarredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1984)

Music tracks of the soundtrack