Database of cinema, music, history and literature

un uomo per ivy (1968)

Original title: for love of ivy
Production: USA|101 min|
Comedy, Romantic

Festivals and awards


Daniel Mannregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert Alan Aurthursceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

jack parks
ivy moore
Ivy, cameriera
Abbey Lincoln(età:38)
tim austin
Beau BridgesBeau Bridges(età:27)
doris austin
Nan MartinNan Martin(età:41)
gena austin
Lauri Peters(età:25)
frank austin
billy talbot
Leon Bibb(età:46)

Technical staff

Quincy JonesQuincy Jonesmusiche
Peter Dohanosscenografo
Bob Russellmusiche
Leif Pederenscenografo
Joseph F. coffeydirettore della fotografia
Pat Jaffemontatore