Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Four in the Morning (1965)

Original title: four in the morning
Production: Italy|94 min| black and white
Poster of movie Four in the Morning

Festivals and awards


Anthony Simmonsregista

Production and Screenplay

Anthony Simmonssceneggiatore
Anthony Simmonsscrittore
Roy Simpsonproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Norman Rodway(età:36)
Judi DenchJudi Dench(età:31)
Ann LynnAnn Lynn
Brian Phelan(età:31)
Joe Melia(età:30)

Technical staff

Neville Smallwoodtruccatore
Bernard Sarronscenografo
Larry Pizerdirettore della fotografia
John BarryJohn Barrymusiche
Fergus Mcdonellmontatore
Benny Roystontruccatore