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Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)

Original title: friday the 13th part viii: jason takes manhattan
Production: Canada, USA|100 min
Horror, Thriller, Fantasy
Poster of movie Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan
a boatful of graduating high school students headed to manhattan accidentally pull jason voorhees along for the ride.
This movie is episode 8 of the series friday the 13th composed by:


Rob Heddenregista

Production and Screenplay

Rob Heddensceneggiatore
Rob Heddenscrittore
Victor Millersceneggiatore
Randy Cheveldaveproduttore
Barbara Sachsproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Jason Voorhees
Kane HodderKane Hodder(età:34)
jim miller
charles mcculloch
eva watanabe
Kelly HuKelly Hu(età:21)
julius gaw
miss colleen van deusen
rennie wickham
sean robertson
suzi donaldson
wayne webber
tamara mason
Alex Diakun(età:43)
Gordon CurrieGordon Currie(età:24)
Ken KirzingerKen Kirzinger(età:30)
Warren MunsonWarren Munson(età:56)
Tim MirkovichTim Mirkovich(età:10)
Jasper Cole(età:25)
Roger Barnes(età:33)
Vince Cupone(età:17)

Technical staff

Steve Mirkovichmontatore
Bryan Englanddirettore della fotografia
Jamie Browntruccatore
David Cohncasting
Fred Mollinmusiche
Bill TerezakisBill Terezakistruccatore
Carla Hetlandcostumista
Susan Boydparrucchiere
David Fischerscenografo
Corinne Keatingcostumista
Tibor Farkastruccatore
Ma kalaadevi Anandatruccatore
Pamela Haydencostumista
Fiona Jacksoncasting
Linda Vipondarredatore
Anthony Sorrentinoparrucchiere
Laurie Finstadtruccatore
Malcolm Tannerparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1989)