Database of cinema, music, history and literature

fried green tomatoes at the whistle stop cafè (1991)

Original title: fried green tomatoes
Production: UK, USA|130 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie fried green tomatoes at the whistle stop cafè

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject

dal libro: romanzo ()


Jon AvnetJon Avnetregista

Production and Screenplay

Jon AvnetJon Avnetproduttore
Fannie FlaggFannie Flaggsceneggiatore
Fannie Flagsceneggiatore
Carol SobieskiCarol Sobieskisceneggiatore
Jordan Kernerproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

evelyn couch
Kathy BatesKathy Bates(età:43)
idgie threadgoode
ruth jamison
ninny threadgoode
Jessica TandyJessica Tandy(età:82)
ed couch
big george
Stan ShawStan Shaw(età:39)
Cicely TysonCicely Tyson(età:67)
grady kilgore
Gary BasarabaGary Basaraba(età:32)
buddy threadgoode
madre di ruth
reverendo scroggins
frank bennett
Nick SearcyNick Searcy(età:32)
mamma threadgoode
Lois SmithLois Smith(età:61)
eva bates
leona threadgoode
Afton Smith(età:24)
smokey lonesome
Fannie FlaggFannie Flagg(età:47)

Technical staff

Thomas NewmanThomas Newmanmusiche
Debra Neilmontatore
Geoffrey Simpsondirettore della fotografia
Debra Neil-fisherDebra Neil-fishermontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1991)

Marcello MandòMarcello Mandò Voice of smokey lonesome