Database of cinema, music, history and literature

fright night (1985)

Original title: fright night
106 min
Poster of movie fright night
a teenager discovers that the newcomer in his neighborhood is a vampire, so he turns to an actor in a television horror show for help dealing with the undead.

Festivals and awards


Tom HollandTom Hollandregista

Production and Screenplay

Tom HollandTom Hollandsceneggiatore
Tom HollandTom Hollandscrittore
Herb Jaffeproduttore
Jerry a. Baerwitzproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

jerry dandrige
charley brewster
peter vincent
amy peterson
edward "evil ed" thompson
billy cole
judy brewster
detective lennox
Art Evans(età:43)
Pamela Brown(età:68)
Amanda Bearse(età:27)
Stewart SternStewart Stern(età:63)
Bob Corff(età:38)
Prince Hughes(età:38)

Technical staff

Randall William Cookeffetti speciali
Brad FiedelBrad Fiedelmusiche
Kent Beydamontatore
Jan Kiesserdirettore della fotografia
Richard EdlundRichard Edlundeffetti speciali
Jerry Adamsarredatore
Robert Fletchercostumista
Jackie Burchcasting
Ken DiazKen Diaztruccatore
Rick Strattontruccatore
Dale Bradytruccatore
John Decuir jr.scenografo
Marina Pedrazaparrucchiere
Bill Sturgeontruccatore

Voices and Dubbing