Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Frisco Kid (1935)

Original title: frisco kid
Production: USA|76 min| black and white
Comedy, Equivocations, Adventure
Poster of movie Frisco Kid
on a small island in malaysia, a disappointed young man in love took refuge, who befriended two chinese spouses. one day a beautiful girl arrives on the island, also fleeing from men of malice who haunt her attracted and obsessed by her beauty. the two know each other and fall in love, but they are separated by intrigues and suspicions caused by the men who do not resign themselves to the disappearance of the girl and who, after having discovered the refuge, begin to persecute her again. but, once the misunderstandings have been clarified, the two lovers will prevail over the evildoers and make peace return to the islet and their hearts.


Mario CameriniMario Cameriniregista
Lloyd BaconLloyd Baconregista
Jack Sullivanregista

Production and Screenplay

ManWarren Duffsceneggiatore
ManWarren Duffscrittore
Pier Luigi Melanisceneggiatore
Samuel Bischoffproduttore
Seton I. millerSeton I. millersceneggiatore
Seton I. millerSeton I. millerscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

James CagneyJames Cagney(età:36)
(bat morgan)
Carmen BoniCarmen Boni(età:29)
Camillo PilottoCamillo Pilotto(età:47)
Margaret LindsayMargaret Lindsay(età:25)
(jean barrat)
Ricardo CortezRicardo Cortez(età:36)
(paul morra)
Carlo LombardiCarlo Lombardi(età:35)
Sandro SalviniSandro Salvini(età:45)
Lili DamitaLili Damita(età:31)
(belle morra)
Donald WoodsDonald Woods(età:31)
(Charles Ford)
Ada Cristina Almirante
(signora Schomberg)
Barton MacLaneBarton MacLane(età:33)
(spikder burke)
Dino Di luca(età:32)
Cesare ZoppettiCesare Zoppetti(età:59)
George E. StoneGeorge E. Stone(età:32)
(solly green)
Joe King(età:52)
(james daley)
Addison RichardsAddison Richards(età:48)
(william t. coleman)
Robert McwadeRobert Mcwade(età:63)
(giudice stephen crawford)
Joseph CrehanJoseph Crehan(età:52)
Robert StrangeRobert Strange(età:54)
Joe SawyerJoe Sawyer(età:29)
(slugs crippen)
Fred KohlerFred Kohler(età:48)
(shanghai duck)
Edward Mcwade(età:70)
Claudia ColemanClaudia Coleman(età:49)
(jumping whale)
John Wray(età:48)
(the weasel)
Wilfred LucasWilfred Lucas(età:64)
Helene ChadwickHelene Chadwick(età:38)
(helene chadwick)
Walter LongWalter Long(età:56)
Jim FarleyJim Farley(età:53)
Don Barclay(età:43)
Wade BotelerWade Boteler(età:47)
Lee PhelpsLee Phelps(età:42)
Milton KibbeeMilton Kibbee(età:39)
Harry Seymour(età:44)
Edward Keane(età:51)
Dick Rush(età:53)
Lew Harvey(età:48)
Jack Curtis(età:55)
Karl Hackett(età:42)
John Elliott(età:59)
Vera Steadman(età:35)
Eddie Sturgis(età:54)
Ivor Mcfadden(età:48)
Don Downen(età:21)
Wong Chung(età:55)
Robert Dudley(età:66)
Jane Talent(età:43)

Technical staff

Owen Marksmontatore
Sol PolitoSol Politodirettore della fotografia
Fernando Risidirettore della fotografia
Bernhard Kaunmusiche
Eugene JoseffEugene Joseffcostumista
John J. Hughesscenografo
Alyson Shaffermontatore