Database of cinema, music, history and literature

From Hell to Heaven (1933)

Original title: from hell to heaven
Production: USA|67 min| black and white
Dramatic, Action, Sports
Poster of movie From Hell to Heaven

Origin of the subject


Erle C. KentonErle C. Kentonregista

Production and Screenplay

Sidney BuchmanSidney Buchmansceneggiatore
ManPercy Heathsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Carole LombardCarole Lombard(età:25)
(colly tanner)
Jack OakieJack Oakie(età:30)
(charlie bayne)
Adrienne AmesAdrienne Ames(età:30)
(joan burt)
David MannersDavid Manners(età:32)
(wesley burt)
Sidney BlackmerSidney Blackmer(età:38)
(cliff billings)
Verna Hillie
(sonnie lockwood)
James Eagles(età:26)
(tommy tucker)
Shirley GreyShirley Grey(età:31)
(winnie lloyd)
Bradley Page(età:32)
(Jack Ruby)
Walter Walker(età:69)
(pop lockwood)
Hal Price(età:47)
Bill ElliottBill Elliott(età:29)
Nydia WestmanNydia Westman(età:31)
Donald KerrDonald Kerr(età:42)
Clarence MuseClarence Muse(età:44)
Frank MillsFrank Mills(età:42)
Don BrodieDon Brodie(età:29)
Eddie BakerEddie Baker(età:36)
Jack Trent(età:37)
Allen Wood(età:27)
Sam Mcdaniel(età:47)
Stuart HolmesStuart Holmes(età:49)
Matty RoubertMatty Roubert(età:26)
Larry SteersLarry Steers(età:45)
Rita La roy(età:32)

Technical staff

John LeipoldJohn Leipoldmusiche
Henry Sharpdirettore della fotografia
Travis BantonTravis Bantoncostumista
Ralph Raingermusiche
Karl Hajosmusiche
Rudolph G. koppmusiche
Fred A. datigcasting
Mel Ballerinocasting