Database of cinema, music, history and literature

fuga nella palude (1953)

Original title: shark river
Production: USA|80 min| |


John Rawlinsregista

Production and Screenplay

Lewis Meltzersceneggiatore
Louis Lantzsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Steve CochranSteve Cochran(età:36)
(dan webley)
Carole MathewsCarole Mathews(età:33)
(jane daughterty)
Warren StevensWarren Stevens(età:34)
(clay webley)
Robert Cunningham(età:32)
(curtis parker)
Ruth Foreman
(mrs. daughterty)
Spencer FoxSpencer Fox
(johnny daughterty)
Bill Piper

Technical staff

Irving GertzIrving Gertzmusiche
Stanley CortezStanley Cortezdirettore della fotografia
Harold Gordonmontatore