Database of cinema, music, history and literature

full circle (1977)

Original title: full circle
Production: Canada, France|100 min|
Horror, Dramatic, Thriller


Production and Screenplay

Harry Bromley davenportsceneggiatore
Dave Humphriessceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

julia lofting
Mia FarrowMia Farrow(età:32)
magnus lofting
Keir DulleaKeir Dullea(età:41)
mark berkeley
Tom ContiTom Conti(età:36)
lily lofting
david swift
Robin GammellRobin Gammell(età:41)
heather rudge
rosa fludd
Anna Wing(età:63)

Technical staff

Peter Hannandirettore della fotografia
Brian Morrisscenografo
Shuna Harwoodcostumista
Colin Townsmusiche
Ron Wismanmontatore