Database of cinema, music, history and literature

funny farm (1988)

Original title: funny farm
Production: USA|84 min|


George Roy HillGeorge Roy Hillregista

Production and Screenplay

Jeffrey BoamJeffrey Boamsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Chevy Chase
Chevy ChaseChevy Chase(età:45)
elizabeth farmer
Madolyn SmithMadolyn Smith(età:31)
sceriffo ledbetter
michael sinclair
Joseph MaherJoseph Maher(età:55)
bud culbertson
Jack GilpinJack Gilpin(età:37)
betsy culbertson
Caris CorfmanCaris Corfman(età:33)
crum petree
Kevin ConwayKevin Conway(età:46)
marion corey jr.
Mike StarrMike Starr(età:38)
Glenn PlummerGlenn Plummer(età:27)
gus lotterhand
madolyn osborne smith
kevin o'morrison
joseph maher
jack gilpin
carls corfman
kevin conway
dakin matthews
william newman
Brad Sullivan(età:57)

Technical staff

Ann RothAnn Rothcostumista
Miroslav OndricekMiroslav Ondricekdirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1988)

Sergio Di StefanoSergio Di Stefano Voice of jack gilpin
Micaela EsdraMicaela Esdra Voice of madolyn osborne smith
Paolo BuglioniPaolo Buglioni Voice of william newman
Serena VerdirosiSerena Verdirosi Voice of carls corfman
Renato MoriRenato Mori Voice of kevin o'morrison
Claudio FattorettoClaudio Fattoretto Voice of kevin conway
Giorgio LopezGiorgio Lopez Voice of joseph maher
Michele GamminoMichele Gammino Voice of Chevy Chase
Sergio MatteucciSergio Matteucci Voice of dakin matthews