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g.i. jane (1997)

Original title: g.i. jane
Production: USA|124 min
Action, Dramatic, Adventure
Poster of movie g.i. jane
the beautiful jordan o'neil thinks that the time has come to make a change to her already brilliant military career by joining the us navy raiders. the impact is not simple, also because jordan must immediately come to terms with john urgayle, his terrible instructor officer, and with the skepticism of those around him.


Ridley ScottRidley Scottregista

Production and Screenplay

Ridley ScottRidley Scottproduttore
David TwohyDavid Twohysceneggiatore
Danielle Alexandrasceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

tenente jordan "jane" o'neill
Demi MooreDemi Moore(età:35)
john james urgayle
senatrice lillian dehaven
Anne BancroftAnne Bancroft(età:66)
'solv' slovnik
Jason BegheJason Beghe(età:37)
theodore hayes
capo dello staff
sergente max pyro
Kevin GageKevin Gage(età:38)
sergente johns
sergente cortez
David Vadim(età:25)
ammiraglio gallow
capitano o'connor
Scott WilsonScott Wilson(età:55)
ammiraglio o'connor
Boyd KestnerBoyd Kestner(età:33)
Josh HopkinsJosh Hopkins(età:27)
Irene ZieglerIrene Ziegler(età:42)

Technical staff

Pietro ScaliaPietro Scaliamontatore
Hugh Johnsondirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1997)

Franco ZuccaFranco Zucca Voice of ammiraglio o'connor

Music tracks of the soundtrack