Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Gagarine (2020)

Original title: gagarine
Production: France|95 min
Poster of movie Gagarine
yuri fights to save his home town - which he shares with his namesake, yuri gagarin - from demolition.

Festivals and awards


Fanny Liatardregista

Production and Screenplay

Carole Scottaproduttore
Benjamin Charbitsceneggiatore
Jérémy Trouilhsceneggiatore
Fanny Liatardsceneggiatore
Julie Billyproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Denis LavantDenis Lavant(età:59)
Lyna KhoudriLyna Khoudri(età:28)

Technical staff

Sacha Galperinemusiche
Amin Bouhafamusiche
Judith Chaliercasting
Pascale Guéganparrucchiere
Nadine Bournazeautruccatore
Marion Burgerscenografo
Emmanuelle Pombettruccatore
Daniel Darmonmontatore