Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Wild Geese (1953)

Original title: gan
104 min| black and white
Poster of movie Wild Geese
misunderstandings and misunderstandings due to an exchange of name and person: a man, to save a married woman from the suspicions of a very jealous husband, must absolutely find himself a wife, but it will not be as easy as one might suppose. the man, who is a singer of the radio, takes refuge in a high mountain hotel to look for a bit of tranquility and knows on the mail the daughter of the owner of the small hotel that hosts it and passes it off as his wife. between loving skirmishes and spiteful quarrels, in the end the two will confess their true feelings.

Festivals and awards


Shirô ToyodaShirô Toyodaregista

Production and Screenplay

Masashige Narusawascrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Miki Odagiri(età:23)
Kuniko Miyake(età:37)
Choko Iida(età:56)
Eijiro TonoEijiro Tono(età:46)
Eizô Tanaka(età:67)

Technical staff

Takeo Kimurascenografo
Kisaku Itôscenografo
Masao Makinoparrucchiere