Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Children of Hiroshima (1952)

Original title: gembaku no ko
Production: USA|97 min| black and white
Dramatic, War
Poster of movie Children of Hiroshima

Festivals and awards

Historical episodes of setting


Kaneto Shindôregista

Production and Screenplay

Setsuo Notoproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Hideji Otaki(età:27)
Masao Shimizu(età:44)
Nobuko Otowa(età:28)
Eijiro TonoEijiro Tono(età:45)
Jun Tatara(età:35)
Hisako Hara(età:43)

Technical staff

Akira Ifukubemusiche
Dai Arakawaarredatore