Database of cinema, music, history and literature

gentlemen of the press (1929)

Original title: gentlemen of the press
Production: USA|80 min| |


Millard WebbMillard Webbregista

Production and Screenplay

Bartlett Cormacksceneggiatore
Monta BellMonta Bellproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

winckland snell
Walter HustonWalter Huston(età:45)
myra may
Kay FrancisKay Francis(età:24)
charlie haven
dorothy snell hanley
ted hanley
Norman FosterNorman Foster(età:26)
mr. higgenbottom
kelly, il reporter
Brian DonlevyBrian Donlevy(età:30)
mcphee, reporter
Victor KilianVictor Kilian(età:38)

Technical staff

George J. FolseyGeorge J. Folseydirettore della fotografia
Mort Blumenstockmontatore