Database of cinema, music, history and literature

ghost rider (2007)

Original title: ghost rider
Production: USA|114 min
Horror, Action, Fantasy
Poster of movie ghost rider
This movie is episode 1 of the series ghost rider composed by:

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Mark Steven JohnsonMark Steven Johnsonsceneggiatore
Shane Salernosceneggiatore
David S. goyerDavid S. goyerproduttore
David S. goyerDavid S. goyersceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Nicolas CageNicolas Cage(età:43)
(johnny blaze/ghost rider)
Peter FondaPeter Fonda(età:68)
Wes BentleyWes Bentley(età:29)
Donal LogueDonal Logue(età:41)
Brett CullenBrett Cullen(età:51)
(barton blaze)
Matt LongMatt Long(età:27)
(johnny blaze giovane)
Raquel AlessiRaquel Alessi(età:24)
(roxanne simpson giovane)
roxanne simpson
carter slade/ghost rider
carter slade/caretaker/phantom rider
Sam ElliottSam Elliott(età:63)
Joel TobeckJoel Tobeck(età:36)
David Roberts(età:211)
Eva MendesEva Mendes(età:33)
Rebel WilsonRebel Wilson(età:27)

Technical staff

Russell BoydRussell Boyddirettore della fotografia
Lizzy Gardinercostumista
Kirk M. Petruccelliscenografo
Lesley Vanderwalttruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2007)