Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Ghost Town Anthology (2019)

Original title: répertoire des villes disparues
97 min
Poster of movie Ghost Town Anthology
in a small and isolated town, simon dubã© dies in a car accident. the stunned townspeople are reluctant to discuss the circumstances of the tragedy. from that point on time seems to lose all meaning, and the days stretch on without end.

Festivals and awards


Denis Côtéregista

Production and Screenplay

Denis Côtésceneggiatore
Denis Côtéscrittore
Ziad Toumaproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Robert NaylorRobert Naylor(età:23)

Technical staff

François Messier-Rheaultdirettore della fotografia
Marie-Pier Fortierscenografo
Caroline Bodsoncostumista
Nicolas Roymontatore