Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Gingerclown (2013)

Original title: gingerclown
83 min
Horror, Comedy
Poster of movie Gingerclown
to impress the girl of his dreams, sam (ashley lloyd) enters an old amusement park, where torturous monsters roam the grounds.


Balázs Hatvaniregista

Production and Screenplay

Balázs Hatvaniproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Brad DourifBrad Dourif(età:63)
Sean YoungSean Young(età:54)
Ashley Lloyd(età:22)

Technical staff

Balázs Hatvanimontatore
Erzsébet BaloghErzsébet Baloghtruccatore
Lidia Pryortruccatore
Robert Gulyamusiche

Voices and Dubbing