Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Girlfriends (1978)

Original title: girlfriends
Production: USA|86 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Psychological
Poster of movie Girlfriends
a photographer and her girlfriend are roommates. she is stuck with small-change shooting jobs and dreams of success. when her roommate decides to get married and leave, she feels hurt and has to learn how to deal with living alone.

Festivals and awards


Claudia Weillregista

Production and Screenplay

Claudia Weillproduttore
Claudia Weillscrittore
Lilly Kilvertproduttore
Vicki Polonsceneggiatore
Vicki Polonscrittore
Patricia Churchillproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

susan weinblatt
rabbino gold
Eli WallachEli Wallach(età:63)
ragazzo del bar mitzvah
anne munroe
Bob BalabanBob Balaban(età:33)
Amy WrightAmy Wright(età:28)
Mike KellinMike Kellin(età:56)
Roderick Cook(età:46)
Tanya Berezin(età:37)
Shar JacksonShar Jackson(età:2)
Jonelle AllenJonelle Allen(età:34)

Technical staff

Michael Smallmusiche
Susan Beckercostumista
Suzanne PettitSuzanne Pettitmontatore
Fred Murphydirettore della fotografia