Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Downhill Racer (1969)

Original title: downhill racer
101 min
Poster of movie Downhill Racer
quietly cocky robert redford joins u.s. ski team as downhill racer and clashes with the team's coach, played by gene hackman. lots of good skiing action leading to an exciting climax.

Festivals and awards


Michael RitchieMichael Ritchieregista

Production and Screenplay

Richard Gregsonproduttore
James Saltersceneggiatore
James Salterscrittore
James Salter (scrittore)sceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

david chappellet
eugene claire
carole stahl
johnny creech
d. k. bryan
tony kinsmith
ron engel
signor chappellet
bruce devore
tommy erb
Gene HackmanGene Hackman(età:39)
Richard EganRichard Egan(età:48)
Camilla SparvCamilla Sparv(età:26)
Harald Dietl(età:36)
Jim McmullanJim Mcmullan(età:33)
Jerry Dexter(età:34)
Kenneth Kirk(età:22)
Oren Stevens(età:31)
Noam PitlikNoam Pitlik(età:37)

Technical staff

Edith HeadEdith Headcostumista
Ian WhittakerIan Whittakerscenografo
Brian Probyndirettore della fotografia
Bill Lodgetruccatore
Richard A. harrismontatore
Kenyon Hopkinsmusiche

Voices and Dubbing