Database of cinema, music, history and literature

glorious betsy (1928)

Original title: glorious betsy
80 min| black and white|

Festivals and awards


Alan Croslandregista

Production and Screenplay

Anthony Coldewaysceneggiatore
Jack Jarmuthsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

dolores costello
conrad nagel
john miljan
marc mcdermott
pasquale amato
michael vavitch
andres de segurola
paul panzer
clarissa selwynne
betty blythe
Alan Crosland(età:34)
John MiljanJohn Miljan(età:36)
Conrad NagelConrad Nagel(età:31)
Betty BlytheBetty Blythe(età:35)
Paul PanzerPaul Panzer(età:56)

Technical staff

Hal MohrHal Mohrdirettore della fotografia
David Mendozamusiche
Thomas Prattmontatore