Database of cinema, music, history and literature

glorious betsy (1928)

Original title: glorious betsy
Production: USA|80 min| black and white|

Festivals and awards


Alan Croslandregista

Production and Screenplay

Anthony Coldewaysceneggiatore
Jack Jarmuthsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

dolores costello
conrad nagel
Conrad NagelConrad Nagel(età:31)
john miljan
John MiljanJohn Miljan(età:36)
marc mcdermott
pasquale amato
michael vavitch
andres de segurola
paul panzer
Paul PanzerPaul Panzer(età:56)
clarissa selwynne
betty blythe
Betty BlytheBetty Blythe(età:35)
Alan Crosland(età:34)

Technical staff

Hal MohrHal Mohrdirettore della fotografia
David Mendozamusiche
Thomas Prattmontatore