Database of cinema, music, history and literature

god's little acre (1958)

Original title: god's little acre
115 min|

Festivals and awards


Anthony MannAnthony Mannregista

Production and Screenplay

Ben Maddowsceneggiatore
Philip Yordansceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Ty Ty Walden
Bill Thompson
Pluto Swint
tina louise
Buck Walden
Darlin' Jill
Shaw Walden
lance fuller
rex ingram
michael landon
russell collins
Robert RyanRobert Ryan(età:49)
Jack LordJack Lord(età:38)
Tina LouiseTina Louise(età:24)
Vic MorrowVic Morrow(età:29)
Fay Spain(età:26)
Aldo RayAldo Ray(età:32)
Lance FullerLance Fuller(età:30)
Buddy HackettBuddy Hackett(età:34)
David Roberts(età:162)

Technical staff

Elmer BernsteinElmer Bernsteinmusiche
Ernest HallerErnest Hallerdirettore della fotografia
Richard C. Meyermontatore

Voices and Dubbing