Database of cinema, music, history and literature

goin' south (1978)

Original title: goin' south
Production: USA|105 min
Western, Comedy, Adventure
Poster of movie goin' south
due to the lack of men after the civil war, a small western town allows a bachelorette with ulterior motives to save a horse thief from the gallows by marrying him. they must deal with his old gang, the sheriff, the bank, and each other.

Festivals and awards


Jack NicholsonJack Nicholsonregista

Production and Screenplay

Charles Shyersceneggiatore
Harold Schneiderproduttore
John Herman Sbauersceneggiatore
Al Ramrussceneggiatore
Al Ramrusscrittore
Alan Mendelsceneggiatore
Harry Gittesproduttore
Alan Mandelsceneggiatore
John Herman shanersceneggiatore
John Herman shanerscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Mr. Anderson
Danny DeVitoDanny DeVito(età:34)
Tracey WalterTracey Walter(età:36)
big abe
Jeff Morris(età:44)
diane haber
henry lloyd moon
julia tate
lorette anderson
Luana Anders(età:40)
sceriffo andrew kyle
vicesceriffo hector
John BelushiJohn Belushi(età:29)
vicesceriffo towfield
whitey haber
Ed Begley jr.Ed Begley jr.(età:29)
Dennis Fimple(età:38)
Anne RamseyAnne Ramsey(età:49)
Britt LeachBritt Leach(età:40)
Lin ShayeLin Shaye(età:35)
Don Mcgovern(età:46)

Technical staff

Van Dyke ParksVan Dyke Parksmusiche
Richard Chewmontatore
William Ware TheissWilliam Ware Theisscostumista
Nestor AlmendrosNestor Almendrosdirettore della fotografia
ManBob Westmorelandtruccatore
Agustín Ituartescenografo
Toby Carr rafelsonscenografo
Thomas Dawsoncostumista
Toby Carr refelsonscenografo
Edie Pandaparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1978)