Database of cinema, music, history and literature

goma-2 (1984)

Original title: goma-2
Production: Mexico, Spain, USA
Dramatic, Action, Adventure
Poster of movie goma-2
a former terrorist has started a lawful career, being a truck driver. on a trip he ignores the warnings given about the mafia, which leads to them setting fire to his truck, which has his wife on board. this has to be avenged.


Production and Screenplay

Carlos Vasalloproduttore
Carlos Vasallosceneggiatore
Jaime J. puigproduttore
Jaime J. puigsceneggiatore
Jaime J. puigscrittore
José Antonio de la lomaJosé Antonio de la lomasceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

txema basterreneche
Jorge Rivero(età:46)
Ana ObregonAna Obregon(età:29)
Hugo StiglitzHugo Stiglitz(età:44)
Lee Van CleefLee Van Cleef(età:59)
Willie AamesWillie Aames(età:24)
Aldo SambrellAldo Sambrell(età:53)
Frank Bara(età:50)

Technical staff

Marta Florescasting
Guido DeangelisGuido Deangelismusiche
Alejandro UlloaAlejandro Ulloadirettore della fotografia
Ilga Peneziscostumista
Emilia Lópezparrucchiere
Joaquín Navarrotruccatore